Teste Técnico Frontend



São Paulo - Brasil


50 - 200

Amaro é uma marca de moda feminina digitalmente nativa que lança continuamente as últimas tendências internacionais a preços disruptivos

Sobre o Teste

O desafio consiste em resolver um conjunto de requisitos e demonstrar suas habilidades de resolução de problemas, estilo de trabalho e comunicação. Você deve fazer um fork do repositório, seguir as instruções no arquivo ""challenge-description.md"", resolver o desafio e enviar sua solução através de um Pull Request. Não há restrições quanto às ferramentas ou bibliotecas a serem utilizadas, mas é recomendado que você não gaste mais de 10 a 12 horas no desafio.

Instruções do Teste

AMARO front-end challenge

This is our challenge for the front-end developer position at @amaroteam .

You're probably already participating in our hiring process, but if you stumble here by accident, read the document to the end and if you are interested, you can start the process from here.

If you are not a developer, you can have a look at our other opportunities at: amaro.com/jobs

About the challenge

This is a challenge, not a college test, so there are multiple correct answers.

We'll give you some requirements that must be done and for which you'll be evaluated, but you're free to choose a solution method.

What we expect to learn from you with this challenge:

  • Your work style.
  • How you think and solve problems.
  • How you communicate.

What we expect that you learn from us:

  • How we work as a team.
  • Have a close look at some of the problems we face daily.

Next steps

  1. Fork this repository to your personal account.
  2. Follow the instructions in the challenge-description file.
  3. Solve the challenge in the best way you can.
  4. Send us a PR with your solution.


  • We won't limit your choice of tools or libraries. But make choices that suits your needs. There's no need to use a bazooka to kill an ant but the point of the challenge is to evaluate your skills.
  • Despite not having a time limit, we recommend that you don't spend more than 10 to 12 hours working on this challenge.
  • Try to write the best code you possibly can. It will make our life easier when evaluating your solution. And remember: you'll have to explain it in person for us.


Do you have in doubt related to the process? Open an issue and we'll be happy to help.

Break a leg!