Teste Técnico Frontend

Addison Global - HTML CSS e JS

Javascript, CSS, React

Portland - Estados Unidos


10 - 50

A Addison Global é uma nova empresa baseada na ensolarada Gibraltar, desenvolvendo uma experiência de apostas e jogos verdadeiramente móvel

Sobre o Teste

Tecnologias: HTML, CSS e JavaScript. Recomenda-se o uso de React ou outro framework frontend, mas desencoraja-se o uso de CSS frameworks como Bootstrap ou Material UI. O objetivo é criar uma página de promoções responsiva, filtrada por ""Novos Clientes"" e ""Todas as Promoções"", ordenadas por sequence

Instruções do Teste

Addison Global Web Technical Assesement


Welcome to the Addison Global Web Tech Test.

The primary goal of this exercise is to assess how you reason about your ability to write well defined HTML, CSS and JavaScript using the latest patterns and technologies in a mobile first approach. There's no hard rules or tricky questions.

We hope you have fun.


  • Promotion - A sports or casino offering with a purpose of encouraging potential customers to sign up.


For this exercise you are required to build a fast, responsive, mobile first promotions page. This promotions page consists of two views or filters which exist on a single page:

  • New Customers - a list of promotions only applicable to new customers
  • All Promotions - a list of all promotions

When the page loads, you should fetch the data to render the promotions. The promotions object contains a flag onlyNewCustomers which indicates whether a promotion is only applicable to new customers or not.

Promotions must be sorted according to the sequence property.


We've provided an endpoint that can be accessed using the following URL: http://www.mocky.io/v2/5bc3b9cc30000012007586b7

You can also find a sample of the data data.json


/** The response type of the API call */
type ResponseType = PromotionType[];
/** Promotion Entity */
type PromotionType = {
id: string,
name: string,
description: string,
heroImageUrl: string,
onlyNewCustomers: bool,
termsAndConditionsButtonText: string,
joinNowButtonText: string,
sequence: number


Since the purpose of this exercise is to assess your HTML, CSS and JavaScript abilities, we discourage the use of CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap or Material UI but encourage the use of React or any other frontend framework.


The provided screens are a wireframe, not a final design for the application. You are expected to implement the user interface by yourself.

All Promotions

All Promotions

New Customers Promotions

New Customers Promotions

The Deliverable

  • A bundled/archived repository showing your commit history or a link to an accessible private repository with your work in (Github can host private repositories at a cost; there is no charge for doing so with Bitbucket). Git example for sending us a standalone bundle:

    git bundle create <yourname>.bundle --all --branches
  • A Readme.md file explaining the decisions you've made solving this task including technology and library choices.
  • Any instructions required to run your solution and tests in a Linux environment.